Our engagement day!

Our engagement day!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Retrieval Day!!!!!!

Yay! You can check this off my list of things to do during this cycle. 3:00 am. I got up (an hour early the clock was wrong in our bedroom). We ended up leaving at 4:00 to make our 8:00 a.m. appointment. It only took 3 hours but I was nervous because the weather forecast predicted snow and there was no way we could be late. When I got to the office I didn't sit but 5 minutes and they called my name.  I went into the bathroom and put up on a gown, booties, and a cap and then went into the little proceedure room. The nurse after some time finally found my vein and hooked me up to an IV. There I sat for literally 55 minutes by myself..waiting..waiting ...waiting. The clock was right in front of me which didn't help. Then my handsome man came in with his booties and his gown and we both sat there for another 10 minutes. The embryologist popped in and wanted me to state my name, birth date, etc. I was happy about that we don't need any mix ups! LOL. Then my Dr came in and introduced himself along with my friend the anesthesiologist. He hooked me up to the IV and I looked at Dan and said "good night". LOL. I then woke up and asked Dan like 12 times how many eggs they retrieved. I was a little loopy. They retrieved 16 eggs!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am in shock. Most of my friends and the average is 11 eggs. I am beyond estatic.  I am now back at the cabin in New Hampshire resting. I slept ALL day. Now I am sitting in front of the fireplace relaxing. Tomorrow I expect a call from the embryologist regarding the number of eggs that fertilized. I am excited and anxious for this number. I will update you all tomorrow!

I will try to upload some some pictures of the cabin where we are staying. I LOVE this place..

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