Our engagement day!

Our engagement day!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Great News

On Friday we drove back to New York for a check up to see how I am responding to the injections. I had blood work taken and another ultrasound. During the ultrasound the nurse saw about 10 follies growing! Yay!!! The average size was around 8mm.  None are mature yet.  they consider mature eggs to be about 20mm.  But the follies will continue to grow over about 2mm a day.  The average number at retrieval is 11-12 follicles.  This doesn't mean that I will have 10 babies though:)  Not all follicles will have an egg & not every egg will be mature & ready to fertilize.  I was told that about 70% will be mature.  On top of that, not every egg will fertilize.  Not every embryo that fertilizes will continue growing.  So my nurse said everything "looks great". I am to stay on my same dose of shots but to include a second shot on Sunday (happy Superbowl to me). This shot is called ganirelix and it stops my body from wanting to ovulate. We don't want my body to ovulate because we want to retrieve all the eggs at the same time during my operation/retrieval.
My next ultrasound/bloodwork check up is Monday. I will update you then. Go Pats!!!!!!

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