Our engagement day!

Our engagement day!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Great News Today!

This morning bright and early we drove from Salem back to Albany for another ultrasound and blood work check up. They nurse counted 8 follicles that she thinks will be retrieved and there are 2 more that may catch up in size. Again they have to be mature enough at the time of retrieval. I am very happy my personal goal was I would like to have at least 8. I just know that not all 8 are going to become fertilized like I stated before about 70% should but who knows. The doctors office would like to see me first thing tomorrow morning so we are now staying at a hotel  in Albany, NY. We will get up early for another appointment and then head to the New Hampshire White Mountains to stay at our friends Scott and Sherry's log cabin for the weekend. Saturday will be my retrieval day so we will have to drive back for that. Off to take a nap I will update you tomorrow!

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