Our engagement day!

Our engagement day!

Monday, February 20, 2012

2 Frozen Embryos for the future!!

The good news just keeps coming. Today I found out that we have two embryos that made it to day 6 and are frozen! What this means is if this cycle does not work we don't have to go through all the shots, Dr.s appointments, etc. We can just have one appointment and they will inseminate me with the last two. If I don't need them and get pregnant they will keep them frozen  and we can use them in a couple years when and if we decide to have another child.

Today is 4 days past my 5 day embryo transfer. Today my little baby or babies should almost  be done implanting to my uterine lining.  (To be honest not unless my body is playing tricks on me with the meds I am on but I for sure felt cramping all day yesterday. My back hurt I was cramping so much. As we speak right now I feel little twinges on and off.) I am getting excited!

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