Our engagement day!

Our engagement day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

10 Fertilized EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got the most amazing news yet. Out of the 16 eggs they retrieved 3 of them were inmature, 3 of them are slow growing, and 10 of them fertilized!! This is the BEST news ever! This means instead of doing a 3 day transfer we will be doing a 5 day transfer. A 5 day transfer has better results for the Dr. can be picky on which two embryos to inseminate. I just read that the success rate of a day 3 transfer is 37.1% and a 5 day transfer is 69.4%.I am also hoping that we will have some embryos left over to freeze at the clinic. They will freeze our eggs for future use which is great.  I can't believe this is happening-pinch me now! LOL

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