Our engagement day!

Our engagement day!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Today went GREAT!

Dan and I woke up at 5:00 a.m. (had an early appointment to beat the Boston traffic) and drove to Albany, NY. The drive was very pretty and took about a little less then 3 hours.

 I LOVE LOVE CNY Infertility Clinic. The place is amazing it's so not your typical Dr.'s appointment. As I walked into the builiding we were greeted by a very relaxed atmosphere with couches, dimmed lighting, and a fireplace. I have to mention also there were no pregnant women all around me which is so nice. My last Dr.'s office there were pregnant woman everywhere and it kind of stung for me. (Just kind of a jealously thing). Anyway, We got there an hour early (we didn't want to be late and didn't know how long it would take from Mass) and they got us right in within 5 minutes! I thought for sure we would have to sit and wait forever. I got my blood taken and had a quick ultrasound which she said everything looked great. She was looking for any cysts and to make sure my lining wasn't too thick and she said it wasn't. After I got dressed she told me to meet her in another room with Dan and go over the meds. She in detail explained how to mix the Menupur & Bravelle together in one vial so Its only one shot. (Thank god). I am to go back for another ultrasound and more bloodwork this Friday, next Monday, next Wednesday and then we will see how things are going. I am patientaly waiting to get my first injection. I am very scared! I will let you know how it goes. We are to do it between 7:00 -8:30.pm. Dan used to be a paramedic so he knows how to inject people but still ahhhhhh scarey. I told him I am going to put some hard rock music on really loud to get pumped right before he stabs me! LOL

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