Our engagement day!

Our engagement day!

Friday, January 6, 2012

In A Nutshell

In a nut shell the IVF process is explained below. Each day when I get really into the process I will share more in detail about what is going on.

I went to Target last night and walked by the infant section where they had some Xmas stuff like a little santa  infant outfit.I would love to be able to actually have a baby by next Xmas.   I am so hoping this is it. This last Xmas was very hard for my expected due date was Dec 15 agh I hate that I know that date. I may not figure out my due date next time until I know everything is a go for it is very painful know this date. It weighed me down the whole month of December. To some people it may seem drastic the way I felt but when you have wanted something so bad and it is taken away from you by some "fluke" in nature it's hard. That could have been a baby. That could have been my son or daughter but it happened to get cozy in my fallopian tube and not my uterus. Oh well, time to move on.  Maybe I should go and buy that outfit to bring positive vibes. We have already purchased a pac n' play and an automatic rocker. Dan saw a changing table on the Craig's list last night but I thought we should wait. This is getting so real. I already have all my meds, a heating pad, and movies are  packed.  I may go to the library this afternoon and get some books.

The Processes Involved with IVF are
  • prevention of premature release of eggs from the ovaries
  • stimulate development of multiple eggs in the ovaries
  • removal of the eggs from the ovary
  • combining the eggs with sperm
  • embryo transfer
  • establishing pregnancy

The In Vitro Fertilization Process is as Follows

  • The eggs are harvested after medication therapy
  • The eggs and sperm are either left together in an incubator for about 18 hours, (conventional IVF) or they are inseminated using via ICSI whereby one sperm is directly injected into the egg. They are then checked for fertilization and further development as embryos.
  • The resulting embryos are placed in the uterus. Progesterone is also used to help develop the uterine lining and increase the chances of implantation.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy you are blogging....let me tell you life will be so much easier. My trips to the grocery store would have been double the time if i hadn't blogged about my breast cancer. People will know how to react around you and just what is going on. Matt and i will be praying lots for you both as you begin this journey. One thing I know is that you will rock as a momma. Keep posting I love reading. I love you girl! Becky
