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Our engagement day!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Positive Thoughts For ME

Ok, to make myself feel better I googled successful pregnancies with Low AMH and found a ton of posts from other girls. I copied some and will insert them here. This will be good for me when I am feeling doubtful about my cycle I can read success stories.

"I do have a friend whose AMH was .7, and she conceived through IVF and gave birth to twins in October.  Also, she's 35, so she's AMA as well."
Good luck to you!
"DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THIS!  Last summer I was 28, had an AMH level of 0.3, and was told that IVF was my only option.  Unable to immediately afford IVF, I started seeing a chiropractor, and taking DHEA. (I have LPD too...oh, and did I mention ONLY ONE FALLOPIAN TUBE due to an ectopic!?!?!?)  I was pregnant within a month!  Then I lost the pregnancy, got pregnant the next month, lost it, got pregnant the next month (at which point I tripled my progesterone dosage,) and here I am about to give birth in four weeks.  The point is, I obviously had the capacity to ovulate every month.  Low AMH doesn't mean you have bad QUALITY.  That is measured by the FSH.  Low AMH just means that you might have a reduced reserve or be a poor responder to meds.  You could still ovulate every month on your own.  I had never seen a chiropractor in my life, and I really didn't buy into alternative treatments, but given how quickly I was able to get pregnant I really believe that the treatments assisted my body.
No matter what you choose to do, I just wanted to weigh in and tell you not to worry about this number.  Look into every other potential cause and cure.  Explore your options.  Don't let someone tell you that you only have the IVF option since your AMH is "low."  (Frankly, that really isn't very low to begin with!) Good luck!"

"I have normal everything, except my AMH, which is 0.5. I was successful with IVF #2 on a high dose antagonist protocol.
One doc did a blood test after I had a spontaneous O on cd7 - and told me my AMH came back at 0.6 and that i would have to speed things along if we wanted to have kids...
I went to another doctor who didn't even pay attention to the AMH number - at this point we were scared and wanted to move on to IVF - he stimmed us with a pretty normal dose of meds and got 25 eggs almost all of which fertilized normally - i got pg the first cycle and we have several on ice for the future - he even said that I made good eggs and we had excellent fertilization."

Anyway, a sigh of relief that there are success stories out there. Now maybe I can relax.

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