Our engagement day!

Our engagement day!

Monday, January 2, 2012

My low AMH Levels

Day two of the new year and one of my resolutions was to not stress about things out of my control. Well I'm breaking it already. *sigh*  My AMH levels are low. My bloodwork was done and my AMH level is .84. According to the guidelines below I am in the low to normal range. Basically what it states below is that the more eggs they retrieve the better chances of success. My hopes are they at least retrieve 8 or more.
Normal                    over 1.0 ng/ml
Low Normal Range  0.7 - 0.9 ng/ml
Women with higher AMH values will tend to have better response to ovarian stimulation for IVF and have more eggs retrieved. In general, having more eggs with IVF gives a higher success rate.
We do not have a lot of data yet on what to tell couples going through IVF about their AMH results and chances for conception. However, the table below shows ranges for AMH levels and some information about interpretation.
AMH levels probably do not reflect egg quality, but having more eggs at the IVF egg retrieval gives us more to work with - so we are more likely to have at least one high quality embryo available for transfer back to the uterus.

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