Our engagement day!

Our engagement day!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Saw the Baby today!

Today we went in for another ultrasound and the Doctor said we are measuring perfect! When he turned the monitor around Dan and I both could see the baby moving his/her arms and legs. It was so cute. We immediately broke down in tears of joy.  I am so so so happy! This is now getting real for me. The doctor told me today that my chances now of miscarriage are only 5% so I have little to worry about. Now it's time for me to enjoy this pregnancy! The Doctor also said not to eat processed foods, no sushi, only one cup of a caffeine a week, and lots of fruits and veggies. He told me I shouldn't gain anymore than 20 pounds and I should start exercising. I have gained 4 pounds since last weigh in..opps! I have to be honest the last 3 months I haven't done a thing. Hopefully my energy level will increase and I will start walking. The past two days I have finally felt normal for I have been very very sick. For the past month I  have felt extremely tired, dizzy, and nauseous. Now that I am feeling better It's time to get moving so I will be in good shape for when the baby comes! Our next ultrasound is 3 weeks away and already can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. So Happy for you guys:)) Love the babies little arms and legs!!!!! Love you both
