Our engagement day!

Our engagement day!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lots of needles.

Talk about injections! Holy cow....

My IVF Protocol

 Ganirelix Acetate 0.25 mg  need #6 (588.00) 98.00 each

     Bravelle 75 iu need #40 (2160.00) 54.00 each

     Crinone Gel 8% need #30 (360.00) 12.00 each

     HCG 10,000 iu injection need #1 (65.00) each

     Also there are 3 scripts that your regular pharmacy should cover estrace 2mg #60 Doxycycline 100mg #6 Dexamethasone #30

Well there is it. Talk about expensive!!! I cut the price in half and ordered all the meds above from friends on my support group chat site.  A lot of girls have extra meds for they got pregnant or their cycle was cancelled. I think the total that I paid for my meds was around $1200. One of my girl friends which I have become great friends with finally got her BFP (Big fat positive) and sent me the Crinone Gel and the HCG shot for free! She also sent me a four leaf clover pin which I will wear for every appointment to bring good luck!!

My 3 Year Journey

This is a blog for me to write about my journey with infertility. Writing (even though I do admit I am not the best writer) has always helped me with getting my feelings out and just feels better venting about my experience.

I will start from the begining.. About 3 years ago maybe even longer now Dan and I decided that we wanted to start a family.  We decided that if it happended great but we weren't going to stress about it. 2 years later and still not pregnant we decided it's time to see a Doctor to make sure nothing was wrong. Our first appointment was in October of 2010. Since then I have had been to seen 2 different Infertilty Specailists, had about 30 blood draws, 5 IUI (inseminations), one ectopic pregnancy, an HSG (which is an ultrasound to check the my fallopian tubes, 5 ultrasounds including a saline ultrasound which measures my uterus, 6 months of Clomid (a fertility drug assist is the growth of more than one egg), and one month of fermera (It does the same thing as clomid but without the bad side effects). It has been a tough road for both of us. As a woman infertility is a tough pill to swallow for all woman are supposed to reproduce. I have what they call "unexplained infertility". And just think some people can have sex and get pregnant! LOL

Well onto the next chapter.. IVF. I never thought I would have to go through this to conceive a child but at this point I will do whatever it takes to start our family. I am excited, scared, anxious, and overwhelmed. I started this blog for it helps to get my feelings out and to share my experience with you.